rubyni® natural food supplements

With the pure power of nature

May I introduce myself? My name is Rolf Philipp and I am proud to have founded BerryPharma, the company behind rubyni®, as part of the Philipp family in 2021. And even though our natural food supplements have only been on the market for a few years, fruits and berries have always been part of our lives. We at Philipps have been processing them at the highest level for 100 years. And for more than 40 years we have been producing the unique ElderCraft® black elderberry extract – the basis for our flagship product: rubyni® black elderberry.

I grew up appreciating nature, its raw materials and especially the unique power of small dark berries. Making these accessible to you as easily as possible is a matter close to my heart. This is how rubyni® was created.

The entire team works with passion and commitment every day to make a positive contribution to your daily diet with high-quality products.

The natural power of berries and fruit. Concentrated for you.



For your well-being and your body

Only the best out of conviction


Our aim is to support people in their everyday lives with the help of the bioactive substances of dark berries – for a varied and balanced diet as a contribution to a healthy lifestyle and greater well-being. We firmly believe that the power of nature is unrivalled and we want to offer you products that are authentic and original.

We consistently focus on first-class products and natural ingredients that are in no way inferior to the natural environment in terms of purity. These tried and tested ingredients have been used in folk medicine for centuries. We select our berries and fruits carefully and attach great importance to the selection of our growing regions, farmers and suppliers, who must fulfil our strict quality standards.

Only the highest quality ingredients are used in our natural food supplements – the best that nature has to offer. Thanks to our unique polyphenol technology, which was developed in our own family, we are able to preserve the original composition of the respective fruit matrix in our berry and fruit extracts. This gives you the unadulterated power of nature in every capsule of our products. We also co-operate with renowned experts in the field of nutritional medicine to develop unique formulations of high-quality, natural substances for our combination preparations. Combined for even more well-being.


What you can rely on

Our natural food supplements are

Nothing works without our farmers. Their daily work is our basis. That is why we have been working in partnership with them for years – trusting, reliable and with the same understanding of quality.

All our products are vegan and contain only sustainably grown raw materials.
 They are packaged in high-quality glass and paper. This protects the valuable contents and Mother Nature.

Scientifically proven
What has been true for centuries in naturopathy cannot be so wrong. Today, modern science confirms many of the assumptions of the old masters. And we only use high-quality ingredients for our products that have been proven by studies.

Our daily motivation is to make a positive contribution to your well-being.
 We put our expertise and heart and soul into every one of our natural food supplements. That’s why we are 100 per cent committed to what we do.