The common cold is one of the most common illnesses that affect us humans. It usually occurs in the colder months of the year and is caused by various viruses. A cold often begins with a scratchy throat, followed by a runny nose, cough, headache and general malaise. Cold viruses are usually transmitted by droplet infection, for example when an infected person sneezes or coughs. However, direct contact with the viruses, for example by touching door handles or objects that have been touched by a sick person, can also lead to infection. Regular hand washing and avoiding close contact with sick people is therefore a good preventative measure. A cold is not usually a life-threatening illness, but it can still be very unpleasant and lead to a temporary reduction in quality of life. The symptoms can vary in severity from person to person. As a rule, a cold lasts around 7-10 days, although the symptoms usually subside after the first few days. There are various measures that can help to alleviate the symptoms. For example, it is important to drink plenty of fluids to keep the body hydrated and liquefy the mucus in the airways. Rest and sufficient sleep are also important to support the immune system and help the body to recover. Inhaling with hot vapors can clear a blocked nose and make breathing easier.


Preventing colds naturally

Colds are particularly common in the cold season. However, there are numerous measures you can take to prevent a cold naturally. A healthy lifestyle and certain habits can strengthen the immune system and reduce susceptibility to colds. A balanced diet plays a key role in preventing colds. Plenty of fruit and vegetables provide the body with important vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system. Foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, berries, peppers and broccoli, are particularly recommended. An adequate intake of zinc can also support the immune system, so nuts, wholegrain products and pulses should be a regular part of your diet. Sufficient sleep is also an important factor in preventing a cold. During sleep, the body regenerates and the immune system can be strengthened. You should therefore make sure you get enough hours of sleep each night. Regular exercise in the fresh air can also strengthen the immune system and reduce susceptibility to colds. A walk in the park or a jog is sufficient for this. Good hygiene is particularly important during the cold season. Regularly washing your hands with soap can significantly reduce the spread of viruses. Avoiding close contact with people who are ill is also advisable to prevent infection. Regular ventilation of living and working spaces can also help to prevent germs from spreading so easily. Natural household remedies can also be used to strengthen the immune system. Ginger tea with lemon and honey, for example, is a tried and tested household remedy for the onset of a cold. Regular inhalation of essential oils such as eucalyptus or peppermint can also keep the airways clear and prevent colds. Ultimately, it is important to listen to your own body and pay attention to your personal needs. Reducing stress, relaxing sufficiently and avoiding excessive alcohol and cigarette consumption can also help to strengthen the immune system and prevent colds. With a conscious lifestyle and appropriate preventive measures, you can therefore naturally prevent a cold. It is worth integrating these tips into your everyday life to strengthen your own defenses.