A weak immune system can have various causes. It can be genetic or caused by external factors such as stressful living conditions, an unhealthy diet, lack of sleep or certain illnesses. A weakened immune system can make the body more susceptible to infections and illnesses, and a strong immune system is essential for our health and well-being. It is our body’s own defense against pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and fungi. There are numerous measures that we can integrate into our everyday lives to strengthen and optimally support our immune system.

Weak immune system – Our tips

1. get the gut in top form

Our gut plays a major role when it comes to the immune system. In fact, the gut has always played a major role when it comes to our health, as this organ has long been underestimated, but research is now gradually finding out how important gut health is for the health of the whole body. The best and most effective way to benefit your gut health is to eat as wide a variety of plant-based foods as possible. Why is that? You can think of the different bacteria that live in your gut like different classes in a school. Each age group needs different learning content to stay happy and challenged. And it’s the same with the gut bacteria. Each “class” needs a different diet. It really is that simple. Different microbes like different fibers. Some thrive on leeks and onions, others on asparagus and grapes. Studies show that at least 30 different sources of fiber per week is the best way to promote a diverse and therefore healthy gut flora.


2. relaxation and sleep

Stress paralyzes our immune system. Our body switches to survival mode when we are stressed. This is because in a stressful situation, our body cannot decide whether it is a situation that is essential for survival or not. If we encounter a lion in Africa, the stress should cause all other functions in the body to pause and everything can concentrate on escape. Increased heart rate and maximum performance. But when we are stressed in everyday life, it is not because we encounter a lion, of course. But our body still switches to survival mode. If this is the case over a longer period of time, then our immune system, digestion and detoxification are shut down. That’s why it’s so important to incorporate daily and weekly relaxation phases. You should try to start and end the day as relaxed as possible. The start is so important as it sets the tone for the rest of the day. And the last hour is so important because it has a big impact on our sleep. And it is precisely when we sleep that our body finally has time to tidy up. Our immune system is then running at full speed. And to give our immune system enough time, we should sleep for at least 8 hours. Investing in more sleep will pay off. Because it makes you more alert, more productive, more balanced and less ill. So you will definitely get your time back!


3. good nutrient supply

It should be no news that a healthy diet is good for the immune system. But above all, you should make sure that you are supplied with all the important nutrients. Vitamin C, zinc and silicon, selenium and vitamin D are particularly important for an optimally functioning immune system. If you don’t get enough of these from your diet, you should optimize your nutrient supply with food supplements. I always take vitamin D in winter and selenium is also difficult to get in Germany as the soil is very low in selenium. I always take zinc and vitamin C if I feel like I’m getting ill or someone in my immediate circle is ill.


4. healing power of water

The healing power of water should not be underestimated. It is so simple and inexpensive that people often don’t think about it. But the better the body is supplied with water, the better it functions. Your body is better able to get rid of pathogens when the blood is thin and flowing well. However, if the body is dehydrated, this unfortunately doesn’t work. It is particularly important to drink a large glass of water first thing in the morning after getting up, as we are especially dehydrated after a long night. But water can also be used externally. In the form of a warm bath or steam bath, for example. This ensures that the body is well supplied with blood and you can relax particularly well in the evening. In the morning, on the other hand, alternating showers is a good idea. This means alternating between hot and cold showers. Afterwards you are definitely wide awake and I wouldn’t want to miss it. If you can’t bear to alternate, you can also take a warm shower and then shower as cold as possible for the last 10-30 seconds. This also gives your body a real blood circulation kick.


5. fresh air and exercise

Oxygen is essential for survival. But how often do we only get by with a fraction of what we actually need? Many of us don’t even realize it anymore and we wonder why we get tired, lose concentration or don’t really feel awake and rested in the morning after sleeping. Many of us have a lack of oxygen. We should either make sure we have a constant supply of fresh air, e.g. with the help of a tilted window (in warm temperatures) or by regularly airing the room (in cold temperatures). This prevents the spread of germs in the room and at the same time helps to fight germs in the body more effectively. And exercise is not only good for our immune system, but for our health as a whole. When we move, our blood circulation increases. When we have more blood flow, the body can remove pathogens more quickly via the blood and they don’t have as much time to settle and spread. Exercise in the fresh air is of course the perfect combination.


6. avoid immune killers

Anything that lowers the immune system should be avoided wherever possible. First and foremost is refined sugar. You should avoid all sugar at the latest when you start to feel the first symptoms of a cold. But even otherwise, you should reach for fruit and dried fruit if you have a craving for something sweet. Or bake something yourself with healthier sugar alternatives such as date sugar. In addition to sugar, you should also eliminate meat from your diet if possible. Unfortunately, meat is nowadays contaminated with antibiotics and other medicines, which in turn put a strain on our immune system. If you can’t do without meat from time to time, then you should definitely make sure it is of high quality. You should also choose organic food wherever possible and make sure that your everyday life is as low in harmful substances as possible. It is better to use natural cleaning products, soaps and detergents that are not full of chemicals. After all, we ultimately absorb all these substances through our skin. And our body is then busy eliminating these substances. But whenever our body is busy with other additional things, it cannot concentrate optimally on fighting pathogens.